group of students with hands on faces and mouths open

Holy Name School News

There’s always something interesting happening at Holy Name School. On this page, we’ll post details about upcoming events, past activities, school awards, and much more—so bookmark this page and check back often!

FACE Scholarship Applications

The Foundation to Advance Catholic Education (FACE) raises money for scholarships to assist with the costs of Catholic education. FACE uses the FACTS system to determine financial need so that each situation can be fairly assessed for a scholarship opportunity. We work very closely with every Catholic school in the Diocese of Fall River to help make a Catholic education a reality. For more information, on application eligibility, as well as how to apply, please view the FACE scholarship flyer.

First-Trimester Honor Roll

We are proud to share our first-trimester honor roll recipients. To make the honor roll takes hard work. Please share our excitement and congratulate the students who earned this recognition! View our first-trimester honor roll list.

Club Hope

Club Hope is a community service club offered to our Holy Name middle school students, grades five through eight. Mrs. Dawn Moniz and Mrs. Sandy Yetman lead this group. Its mission is to bring awareness to the needs in our community, develop skills, and encourage teamwork while emphasizing compassion, sympathy, respect, and responsibility in an upbeat and positive environment. Our main focus is the homeless in our community. 

The club will be meeting on Wednesdays from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. for 11 weeks starting January 8. Our core project will be packing lunches but there are several other projects planned. Club Hope will be packing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Please consider this when signing up. We have an 18 member limit. If your child/children have an interest, do not delay returning the Club Hope permission slip. Fill it in completely and return it to the school sealed in an envelope with “Club Hope” written on the outside.

Parent Ambassador Program

Holy Name School is establishing a parent ambassador program! 

  • Are you passionate about Holy Name School?
  • Would you like to help advance the school's mission?
  • Are you comfortable reaching out to families to grow enrollment?

If you answered yes to the above questions, email Jana McHenry, director of advancement/alumni, to learn more! You may also view our Parent Ambassador Program flyer for more information.

Flu Information

Influenza (the flu) is an infection of the nose, throat, and lungs caused by influenza viruses that are constantly changing. Flu causes illness, hospital stays, and deaths in the United States each year. Flu can be very dangerous for children. Each year about 20,000 children younger than five years old are hospitalized from flu complications, like pneumonia. Please see below for more information on the flu.

Strep Throat

Please note that one or more students at our school have been diagnosed with strep throat. Please take the following precautions:

  • Watch your child for signs of sore throat and other signs of strep (headache, fever, stomach ache, rash, and swollen and tender neck glands).
  • If your child develops a sore throat and any of these signs, please see your healthcare provider. Tell him or her that another child in the school has strep, and ask to have a strep test.
  • Tell us if your child has been diagnosed with strep infection.

Please see our strep throat letter for more information.

First Day Forms

There are some families that have not returned the First Day forms. Please fill out the First Day forms online or return them to the office as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.

Pick Up Protocol Changes

We recently began a new procedure for picking up students in pre-kindergarten through 4th grade. Parents are to remain outside the building, and the classroom teachers will bring the students outside for pick up. Parents or other qualified adults need to show the teacher their ID cards, provided by the school, in order to pick up their student. We would appreciate your patience as we refine this procedure, and we will be working on making it as safe and efficient as possible. These changes were necessary to assure that your children are as safe as possible as during the dismissal time and that the building remains secure for students and staff who remain in the building after dismissal.